Shropshire Star

Hospital ward wedding as Telford couple tie the knot after 16 years together

A hospital ward isn't where they dreamed of getting married but Telford couple David Donaldson and his new wife Lorraine didn't care – they were just happy to be finally tying the knot after being together for 16 years.


Just 48 hours after proposing in hospital, David and his new wife were saying their vows in an emotional ceremony surrounded by other patients.

A serious illness to David, 75, meant the couple, who live in Wellington, were able to get married in the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital in quick time.

Despite being in hospital, staff put a lot of effort into making the ceremony more special by putting up banners and balloons, and finding a bouquet of flowers kindly donated by the League of Friends.

News of the couple's wedding soon spread and touched a lot of people, including one patient who kindly lent his iPad so that wedding music could be played in the background.

After lots of rushing around to get the paperwork finished, the short ceremony was conducted by the couple's vicar, Margaret Smallman.

Lorraine, 55, said the couple met in Wellington and had known each other for 21 years, but had never got around to getting married despite talking about it.

"I thought he was winding me up at first. I can't quite believe we are actually getting married," she said.

"All good things come to those who wait."

Lorraine wanted to thank everyone who had helped organise the wedding so quickly and made their day so special.

"It is so nice of everyone and to see all the effort they have gone to is wonderful," she said.

"It has made it so special for David and me. I am really pleased Margaret is here to do it for us."

She added: "We are both Christian and have strong faith in God.

"It is now time to put that into practice."

A clearly emotional David said he was delighted to finally "get his girl".

"It makes me feel more secure. I am happy now," he said.

"I have finally got the girl."

Claire Harvey, nurse at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, said: "It's wonderful, it's just something that we would never ever have done before.

"You know I've been qualified five years and I've never planned a wedding for anybody. I'm going to start crying, it's amazing, just amazing and I wish them all the happiness."

The Rev Smallman added: "It is lovely for them. They are well-known. This is the icing on the cake."

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