Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury couple get unexpected present as baby boy born five weeks early on Christmas Day

One couple had an unexpected present on Christmas morning – a baby boy, five weeks early.


Baby Robert was born at 7.51am at Telford's Princess Royal Hospital to parents Abi Purslow, 23, and Charlie Haylett, 25. The couple, from Frankwell, Shrewsbury, were not expecting their arrival until January 27.

Abi, a receptionist, said: "We weren't expecting him for another five weeks so we haven't even thought of a middle name yet. When my waters broke it was a bit of a surprise."

"When we came in they said they'd check me in 24 hours and I said I need to push now and they whisked us up here."

Baby Robert
Abi Purslow and Charlie Haylett with baby Robert, who was born five weeks early

Robert was 5lb 6oz and is doing well. Abi joked that she'd had a £1 bet with Charlie that their baby would be born on Christmas Day, adding: "I won a pound – but it was a shock to the system."

"We're meant to be seeing all of our family today, so our parents are going to tell each lot of family when they see them, so it's a big big secret at the moment.

"You can't top this Christmas present now."

A couple from Albrighton had their second child on Christmas Day.

Little Bradley Arthur was born to Karein(CORR) and Chris Wilson, who works in the Air Force, at 5.38am weighing 8lb10oz.

Mr Wilson, 27, said: "We were hoping it was going to be a named day, Christmas Eve or Boxing Day."

Mrs Wilson, 26, said: "He's the most festive person around.

"I was hoping it was going to be here by Christmas.

"Everybody said all along it was going to be a Christmas baby."

Bradley's big brother two-year-old Oliver was set to meet his little brother for the first time in the afternoon.

Mrs Wilson said: "Oliver kept saying the baby was coming now. You don't get a brother every year.

"My parents arrived last night for Christmas and it was like my body was all relaxed as they were there so the baby came."

Meanwhile at Glan Clwyd Hospital in Wales, Angela Forshaw and Chris Tapsell welcomed baby Leia into the world at 10.04am weighing 6lb9oz.

At Oswestry Maternity Unit Mikena Denkova and Tsvetelin Tsvetanov welcomed baby Viktor at 12.30am, possibly the first baby born on Christmas Day in Shropshire.

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