Shropshire Star

Mid Wales recycling centres to open for fewer days

Two recycling centres in Mid Wales that were under threat of closure will remain open – but for only three days a week.


Powys County Council's cabinet has shelved plans to close the centres in Welshpool and Newtown for a year after strong opposition from residents, councillors and politicians, with more than 800 responses to the consultation and more than 5,000 people signing a petition for their retention.

The cabinet has instead opted for a cut in opening hours. Members had originally considered the plans to close the centres, in a bid to cut spending by £700,000.

The local authority will now provide £200,000 to reduce the pressure on the service and a further £300,000 contribution has now been proposed for the 2017/18 financial year to allow alternative proposals to be developed in an attempt to make the full savings from 2018/19.

Councillor Graham Breeze, who campaigned for the centres to remain open, has called on the council to commit to the future of the centres. He said: "It is absolutely and categorically clear from the survey, the public meeting and petition responses that the people who use the household waste recycling centre at Welshpool are opposed to any closure of the facility."

However, Montgomeryshire assembly member Russell George has criticised the cabinet's decision.

He said: "In recent months, I have been inundated with correspondence from concerned constituents who have reacted angrily at proposals to reduce the recycling provision in Powys.

"It is not acceptable for sites in Newtown or Welshpool to operate for just a few days a week. Both sites are very well used and this decision is a backward step."

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