Shropshire Star

JAILED: Oswestry man who wanted to be teacher had sex with two girls

A man who wanted to become a teacher has been jailed for 27 months for having sex with two teenage girls.


History graduate Geraint Jeffreys, 23, was also placed on the sex offenders register for 10 years after he admitted seven charges of sexual activity with a child.

Judge Rhys Rowlands said Jeffreys, of Castlefields, Oswestry, would be barred from working with children and vulnerable adults, leaving his teaching career dreams in ruins.

He told Jeffreys, who wept throughout much of the hearing, that he had taken advantage of the young girls for his own sexual gratification "in a most depraved way".

The defendant, who was 21 when the offences took place, met one of the girls, then contacted her on Facebook and picked her up in his car, where the sexual activity took place.

Judge Rowlands said the law was there to protect children, often from themselves. "Both girls were just that, they were still children in any normal person's eyes," he said. "You were a young man of 21 with a car, no doubt you were an attractive prospect to any young, immature girl. You took advantage of that situation."

Mr Matthew Curtis, prosecuting, told the court how after having sex with one girl, the defendant sent her a message the following day while she was in school telling her to take the morning-after pill.

Mr Mark Connor, for Jeffreys, said his client was a young man of good character who would find custody very difficult.

He said the offending was caused by his level of immaturity rather than anything more sinister.

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