Shropshire Star

Telford phone robbery gang warning

Young people in Telford were today urged to be vigilant after police warned of an increase in robberies in the town.


An organised gang is believed to be targeting students, threatening them before stealing valuables.

Officers said in the majority of cases either smart phones or wallets and purses had been taken.

Detective Inspector Rob Mountford, from Telford CID for West Mercia Police, said youngsters should not be unduly panicked but that it was important they remained vigilant.

He said: "Young people should not be alarmed by our advice but we do want to urge them to be aware of their surroundings, particularly when out in the evening.

"It's common for people to walk around with expensive mobile phones in their hands whilst listening to music or using social media, which means they may not notice if someone is following them.

"If someone is threatened to make them hand over their belongings the experience can be very distressing.

"Additionally, the loss of a phone containing personal data and photographs can be a real cause of anxiety."

DI Mountford said there was traditionally an increase in street robberies during the summer holidays, with teenagers out at night later than during term-time.

"We take these offences very seriously," he added. "The numbers of incidents are relatively low, but we want to minimise the chances of someone becoming a victim in the first place wherever possible.

"We would also encourage everyone to security mark their mobile phones, or use apps such as Find My Phone."

To find out more about personal safety and the products available, police today urged young people to visit DI Mountford also promised any victims who come forward will be dealt with sensitively.

Anyone with information about gangs committing crimes can report them anonymously using the Crimestoppers number 0800 555 111 or at

Telford CID can also be contacted on101 and dialling extension 5015 when prompted.

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