Shropshire Star

Man knocked unconscious in Shrewsbury town centre attack

A man was knocked unconscious in an attack by two others in Shrewsbury town centre.


West Mercia Police are appealing for information after the incident on Castle Walk last week.

A man in his 30s was walking along Castle Walk when he was approached by two men and asked for a light.

He was then hit by one of the men, cutting his face.

The force says the attack, which happened on a footbridge near Victoria Street between 9.45pm and 10.15pm on September 26, caused the man to temporarily lose consciousness.

The victim managed to walk home before later being taken to hospital by ambulance where he needed stitches for the injury to his face.

Now officers want help identifying the attackers, who are described as being in their 30s and wearing dark clothing.

Anyone who witnessed the assault or two men behaving suspiciously in the area at the time should call 101 quoting incident number 704s of September 26. Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111 or at

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