Woman rescued as car crashes down embankment

A woman whose car crashed down an embankment was rescued – when two dogs took their walkers to the scene.

A woman driver was rescued when her car landed on its roof after it crashed down an embankment in Clive

The woman, believed to be in her 40s, escaped serious injury when her green Ford KA overturned and ended up on its roof off Mine Bank in Clive, near Wem.

It is thought she lost power steering while coming down the bank and could not control the car.

The crash happened near Clive Church at about 11.20am yesterday.

Two dog walkers called emergency services when their animals dragged them to the side of the road.

Jenny Martinez, owner of the nearby Grinshill Animal Rescue Centre, said: "Some of my walkers were walking two Doberman dogs, Star and Storm.

"The dogs kept pulling and were really keen to get to the side.

"My walkers didn't know why and it wasn't until they looked over the gate and saw the car upside down, there was a woman there and they called 999.

"She lost her power steering at the top of Mine Bank and couldn't control the car.

She added: "They wouldn't have looked if it wasn't for the dog." Fire crews from Wem, Shrewsbury and Wellington went to the scene along with a paramedic, rapid response vehicle and an ambulance.

The woman was out of the vehicle when they arrived and was taken to hospital with back pain.

Steve Parry, West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesman, said: "The casualty suffered back pain and was taken to the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital by ambulance.

"They were not serious injuries."

Fire crews stayed at the scene for about 20 minutes making the vehicle safe.

The road was closed for about three hours after the smash while the vehicle was recovered. It caused minor delays.