Rape, blackmail and sexual assault all offences linked to dating apps investigated by police in Shropshire

Investigations have been launched into offences such as sexual assault, blackmail and harassment involving people using dating apps such as Tinder and Grindr in Shropshire.


West Mercia Police probed allegations in Shropshire that also included rape and distribution of an indecent image of a child when apps were mentioned in the incident log.

But officers only managed to charge a suspect in one of 10 cases between 2015 and the end of September according to data revealed under the Freedom of Information Act.

The findings have led a charity to urge people using dating apps to take precautions before meeting anyone they make contact with online.

According to the figures, three of the investigations are still ongoing while in two cases the victim withdrew their support for police action and the case was closed.

In two of the cases no suspect was identified and in another it was decided by police that further investigations to gather evidence to support formal action against a suspect was not in the public interest.

Julie Garbett, manager for charity Victim Support in the West Midlands said: "We encourage anyone using online dating apps to take necessary precautions such as meeting in a public place.

"Anyone who has fallen victim to this type of crime can contact our local team in West Mercia on 01905 726896 or visit www.victimsupport.org.uk"

The force investigated three allegations of distribution of an indecent photograph of a child as well as claims of rape of a male over the age of 16, attempted rape of a woman over 16, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, blackmail, sending communication of an indecent nature, harassment and sexual assault on a female without penetration.

A spokesman for West Mercia Police said: "West Mercia Police is committed to protecting people from harm in all aspects of their lives.

"In the case of internet dating we would direct people to the Get Safe Online website which includes comprehensive advice, beginning with only using sites which are members of the Online Dating Association (ODA) and bound by their code of conduct."

To get safety advice regarding online dating visit https://www.getsafeonline.org/protecting-yourself/online-dating