Shropshire Star

A successful event for the Montgomeryshire Agricultural Association

The Montgomeryshire Agricultural Association held their annual 4x4 event.

The Montgomeryshire Agricultural Association

The successful event held on June 7 was to launch the association's 2024 schedule of competitions.

The event started with tea, coffee and Welsh cakes at Castle Caereinion Community Centre before those taking part travelled 44 miles across country to Rhiwhiriaeth, Melin y Grug, Llanerfyl, Dolanog,Llanfihangel, Llanfyllin and Pontrobert before returning to Castle Caereinion.

The evening was concluded with an evening meal at Castle Caereinion Community Centre.

A spokesperson said: "We'd like to say a special thanks to Castle Caereinion WI and to Andrews Caterers for the lovely food provided at the beginning and end of the day.

"The Association would also like to thanks that J T Hughes for their sponsorship of this event and Wynnstay for sponsoring the 2024 schedule of competitions. Thanks also to landowners who allowed this event to travel their land and to take in the excellent views from the above locations."

Anyone wishing to obtain a schedule of competitions can contact the Association Chairman Gwyneth Owen on 01938 559040 or Anne Breese secretary on 01686 688917. The Association welcomes new entrants for the 2024 competitions.

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