Shropshire Star

Bridgnorth ambulance worker gives birth to son in car at side of road

Little William Blaze had a dramatic start in life – after being born on the roadside as his ambulance worker mum was being driven to hospital by car from their Bridgnorth home.


Sarah Blaze and her husband Stuart were taken by surprise when they were forced to pull over on the A454 Bridgnorth Road, on the outskirts of Wolverhampton, for his arrival.

The couple had been travelling from their home to get to New Cross Hospital after Sarah's waters broke on Friday evening.

But they only got as far as Rudge Heath before Sarah screamed that the baby was coming and wanted to push.

Baby William Blaze

It took just a few minutes for William to make his way into the world after his parents were told to pull to the kerbside and start delivery when they called for an ambulance.

Sarah, who works as an incident command desk supervisor for West Midlands Ambulance Service, said: "The call handler was talking me through everything we needed to do. They were absolutely brilliant.

"It only took two to three minutes.

"He was delivered and was very, very quiet, didn't scream or cry or make a noise straight away which was very scary, and he was actually born with the cord around his neck."

Stuart managed to take the cord from around his neck and an ambulance then arrived on scene.

The surprise birth, in the early hours of Saturday morning, happened just hours after 35-year-old Sarah had been for a check-up at New Cross Hospital.

She was told by a midwife that she was in labour, but had not progressed enough, and was sent back home to rest for a while.

Her waters broke not long after she got back to her home at The Hobbins and ran a bath.

Sarah, who also has a four-year-old son called Thomas, spent some time resting at Bridgnorth Maternity Unit but was able to bring William home this afternoon.

The youngster, who weighed 8lbs 2oz when he was born, is now settling into his new home.

He had been due to arrive last Wednesday, but was a few days late.

Sarah said: "It was a scary few minutes but I'm glad everything turned out okay.

"He's doing absolutely fine. He's very settled and contented."

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