Shropshire Star

Telford A&E night closure call: MP Mark Pritchard wants Parliament to debate 'illegal' move

Wrekin MP Mark Pritchard has called for an urgent parliamentary debate on the future of Shropshire;s county's hospitals, calling a possible move for an overnight closure in Telford "illegal".


Mr Pritchard said that the change to services should have been subject to consultation and said the move will "endanger" people in Telford.

The issue will now be brought to the attention of health secretary Jeremy Hunt.

Speaking in the House of Commons, Mr Pritchard, whose constituency covers the Princess Royal Hospital, said: "Can I call for an urgent debate on the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust illegally suggesting going to close the accident and emergency ward from the autumn, endangering up to 40 children a week?

"Does the leader of the house agree with me that such moves should be consulted with the public, local authorities and local MPs?

"There has been no consultation and yet this proposal is going ahead in the autumn."

David Lidington, MP for Aylesbury and leader of the house of commons said: "I am concerned to hear this and will draw it to the attention of the secretary of state that a significant change to the configuration of NHS services in any area ought to be the subject of public consultation and of course there is a power for the relevant committee of the local authority to ask the secretary of state to call that decision in and review it.

"I would encourage my honourable friend to pursue this with health ministers but I will draw it to the secretary's attention."

Mr Pritchard said he intended to speak with the Health Secretary about the issue directly.

Following the debate, the local authority also said it was already taking steps to contact the Health Secretary over the move.

Members of Telford & Wrekin Council have said the plans make 'no sense'.

Nigel Newman, a spokesman for Telford & Wrekin Council said the authority was already drafting a letter to the secretary of state, which it would make public in due course.

Council leader Shaun Davies says the hospital trust should be placed into special measures if the plans to adopt a night-time closure of A&E at PRH become a reality.

He said he would fight the proposals "tooth and nail" and described the move as "downgrading by the back door".

The plan is to close Telford's A&E from 8pm until 8am, with emergency cases being taken to Shrewsbury instead. Walk-in cases would still be dealt with by an urgent care centre in Telford, which could take non-emergency cases.

It is estimated an average of 18 patients a night would be transferred, but the plan could be dropped if the staffing situation in A&E improves.

Ahead of the meeting, Simon Wright, chief executive of the trust which controls Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and Telford's Princess Royal, said they would take every step possible to avoid the closure.

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