Shropshire Star

Residents angry over Wem roadworks

Residents are up in arms about the closure of a major route into a town for six weeks.


A one-way system will be put in place while old gas pipes are replaced in Station Road and Aston Street in Wem.

The work, which will start from September 18, is being carried out by Wales & West Utilities.

But residents are concerned about the impact it will have on traffic, diversion routes and the emergency services.

Commenting on the Wem community Facebook page, Cheryl-Charlie Collins said: "Just when the kids go back and there is 50 per cent more traffic on the road. Great planning as always."

Margaret Warner commented: "Barkers Green road is not fit for extra traffic.

"When Soulton Road was closed for works last year the round trip via Prees Green is 19 miles. Can they really expect cars to travel that distance just to get over crossings and for six weeks?

"It's not that long since they resurfaced Station Road. Are they really trying to kill Wem?"

Mandy Birch said: "A nightmare yes but a necessity to replace gas pipes. It's a major disruption for the town, and especially those of us over the east side of the crossings that need to get across for school, work, shopping etc."

Deborah Gittins added: "That's going to be a nightmare for the fire, ambulance and police!"

Dave Wood, Wales & West Utilities operational manager for Shropshire, said: "We are due to start work on Aston Street and Station Road in Wem on September 18 to upgrade more than 427 metres of old metal gas pipes in the area to new plastic ones.

"This six-week scheme is essential to keep the gas flowing to homes and businesses – and make sure the gas network is fit for the future.

"In agreement with Wem Town Council, and so that road users, pedestrians and our colleagues are kept safe while we work, a partial road closure as well as a one-way system will be in use.

"This will involve the closure of the level crossing to all traffic wanting to travel from the east of the level crossing between Soulton Road and Aston Road for a three-week period.

"In addition to this, Station Road will be one-way and closed to traffic wishing to turn into Aston Street. The only access out of Station Road will be via Whitchurch Road. Our agreement allows us to keep our traffic management system in place for the duration of our works."