Shropshire Star

Charlie Hebdo massacre: Shropshire muslims condemn Paris terror attacks

The Shropshire Islamic Foundation has condemned the "barbaric" murder of journalists at French newspaper Charlie Hebdo.


Twelve people died in Wednesday's attack, and the perpetrators were themselves killed by French police yesterday afternoon.

The murders were prompted by the magazine's publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed.

Dr Faraaz Bhatti, secretary of Shropshire Islamic Foundation, based in Wellington in Telford, said: "Shropshire Islamic Foundation would like to join the worldwide condemnation of the barbaric murder of journalists at the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo.

"Muslims from around the world condemn this attack, where there is no justification for murder.

"Violence, and acts of terror such as these at the hands of extremists threaten security and peace across the world.

"Muslims from around the world strongly reject acts of murder which are not done in the name of religion - but in the name of terror.

"We urge the people of Shropshire to unite against horrific incidents like these.

"We would like to see people of all faiths to come together and reject those who kill and then hide behind religion. Shropshire Islamic Foundation extends our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims."

Meanwhile, Muslim faith leaders gathered at one of Europe's biggest mosques yesterday to condemn the massacre and declare: "This is not Islam."

Around 6,000 people crammed into Birmingham Central Mosque where Imam Mohammed Talha Bukhari led Friday prayers.

He condemned the terrorist atrocity and said the sympathies of the Muslim community were with the families of victims of the Paris shootings.

Chairman of the mosque Muhammad Afzal also criticised the terrorists actions and accused them of "bringing Islam into disrepute."

Speaking after Friday prayers, Mr Afzal said: "We condemn what has taken place.

"Our deepest sympathies are with the victims, the people of Paris and also with the people of France.

"Our sympathies are also with those who have been injured. We just pray that they recover as well as they can.

"We are the main mosque in Birmingham and we represent all sects of Islam here - we condemn what has happened in Paris in the strongest of words.

"These people are bringing Islam into disrepute. Is is not fair to the whole Muslim world.

"Some people might say that it is the teaching of Islam but that is simply not true.

"Islam does not preach killing.

"Islam says that the killing of one individual is equal to the killing of the whole of humanity. That is the true reflection of Islam.

"I personally think we should be condemning this act as human beings, irrespective of our religion.

"We should live in peace, respect each other's faith and views.

"We hope the perpetrators are captured, arrested and punished properly.

"These are not the actions of people who preach Islam - but the actions of individuals."

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