Shropshire Star

I'll fight to keep A&E services in borough, says Telford & Wrekin Council leader

The leader of Telford & Wrekin Council has vowed to fight to keep A&E services in the borough.

Kuldip Sahota

Councillor Kuldip Sahota made the pledge after Secretary of State for Health Jeremy Hunt told him the issue would be decided by NHS locally.

Mr Sahota wrote to the minister and told members of the authority's full council meeting of his response.

He said he had written many times to Mr Hunt and despite the response remained very clear on the cabinet's position to keep full 24/7 A&E services at Princess Royal Hospital.

It come as health campaigners warned political leaders against turning the Future Fit re-organisation programme into 'Shrewsbury versus Telford' issue.

Doctors have already said there will only be one emergency centre in the county in future and a shortlist of options released by Future Fit shows that it will either be at Telford's Princess Royal, the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital or a new site between the towns.

Future Fit chiefs said the review was not about a battle between the two towns and was about much more than just A&E services, with no decisions yet made by the team of clinicians and healthcare professionals.

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