Shropshire Star

Inspector throws out plan for 50 homes in Shropshire village

A government planning inspector has thrown out plans to build more than 50 homes in a village.


Applicant Berrys wanted to overturn Shropshire Council's decision to refuse the scheme for up to 54 homes off Newcastle Road in Woore.

Shropshire Council's planning officers refused permission last year on the grounds that it would have a significant impact on the character of the area and the natural environment.

Nigel Harrison, planning inspector, has now dismissed the appeal due to a number of reasons.

He said: "The proposed development would involve considerable ground works over an extended period of time, and is therefore likely to result in disturbance and significant risk to the population of great crested newts.

"The appeal site provides a suitable terrestrial habitat for the species for foraging and hibernating, and forms part of the interconnecting habitat between breeding ponds in the area.

"Also the scale of the development proposed is well in excess of the housing 'target figure' for the Woore, Irelands Cross and Pipe Gate community hub for the whole plan period.

"The proposal would have a detrimental effect on the character and appearance of the surrounding countryside.

"The adverse harm which I have identified would substantially and demonstrably outweigh any potential social and economic benefits of the appeal scheme.

"For these reasons I conclude that the proposal would not be consistent with the principles of sustainable development as it conflicts with the policies of the development plan and the Framework taken as a whole."

Woore Parish Council objected after claiming new housing developments were not appropriate.

Shropshire Council received more than 20 letters of objection from residents who raised concerns about traffic and the extra strain it would put on the local school and doctor's surgery.

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