Shropshire Star

Shropshire Star EU referendum poll - six months on have you changed your mind over Brexit?

It was the most historic vote in modern British history.


The EU referendum divided the country, with the Leave vote narrowly prevailing after a bitter campaign from both sides that sparked a reformed Government and a crisis in the Labour Party.

It heralded the end of David Cameron's political career and jettisoned George Osborne to the relative anonymity of the backbenches.

New Prime Minister Theresa May is committed to triggering Article 50 by the end of March, but the arguments over the country's relationship with the EU post-Brexit continue to rage.

Now we want you, our readers, to have your say on the key issues. The Shropshire Star today launches our second major survey on the EU referendum, with the aim of gauging the region's views of the fallout from the Brexit vote.

We want to know if you would still vote the same way if another referendum was held tomorrow. Remainers maintain that many Leave voters would change their minds if the referendum took place again.

With your help we can put that assertion to the test.

We also want to find out if you are happy with the way the Government has dealt with the Brexit process so far.

No-one expected the country to leave the EU overnight, but for many people the Prime Minister did not appear to have a plan in place in the weeks following the result.

Are you satisfied that the Government has charted a plan for Britain's future outside the bloc?

With the question of whether Parliament should get a say on Article 50 currently the subject of a Supreme Court ruling, we want your opinions on how your MPs should vote. With so many of our MPs backing Remain, but representing areas that voted for Leave, should they back the people who voted them into power or go with their personal view?

The Government split over Britain's relationship with the EU, but should rebel Tory MPs resign the whip and stand as independents?

There are still those who believe the Brexit process can be scuppered.

So we are asking if you believe Britain will have formally left the EU by April 2019, two years after the planned signing off of Article 50.

Earlier this year more than 9,000 readers took part in the Shropshire Star's first EU referendum poll, while subsequent online polls saw more than 60,000 people cast their votes.

And the results were spot on when it came to predicting the outcome of the June vote.

Back then around 75 per cent of readers said they planned to vote Leave, a result that mirrored many referendum results that came in across the region.

And almost two thirds of readers cited immigration as the key influence on their vote. The fact that the issue was ignored by Remain campaigners is now widely regarded as one of the main factors behind their defeat.

Your answers will shape the biggest collection of local opinion across the Shropshire and Mid Wales since the referendum took place.

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