Shropshire Star

Danger as motorists drive on wrong side of Whitchurch road to avoid potholes

Motorists are being forced to drive dangerously on the wrong side of a Whitchurch road in order to avoid potholes, it has been claimed.

Residents of Waymills in Whitchurch are protesting about the potholes on the main road in and out of the area

Residents and businesses in Waymills have launched a campaign to get the road, which is plagued by potholes, resurfaced.

One resident, Helen Edge, said: "We have had a pothole issue for a long time now. I know everyone is having problems with them in Shropshire but this is a conglomerate of about 70 holes on one small stretch of road.

"It has left the road unusable."

The road was due to be repaired this year but Shropshire Council removed it from the list because its highways budget was reduced by £5 million.

Mrs Edge said she fears there will be a serious car crash soon because, in a bid to avoid driving over the potholes, motorists swerve onto the wrong side of the road.

"It's an accident waiting to happen," she added.

Potholes on the road

"We have filmed 30 or 40 cars, in a short period of time, driving on the wrong side. People are just used to doing that now because it has been a problem for such a long time.

"The council has been along to fill the holes but it just comes straight back out. It was supposed to be top priority for the council but now they're saying it won't be resurfaced until next year. It's ridiculous."

Victoria Doran, highways manager, said the condition of the road has significantly deteriorated and that the council is currently reconsidering its options.

She added: "Waymills was identified as a site for resurfacing and was originally in the programme for this financial year. However, Shropshire Council’s highways and transport capital budget has been reduced by £5m. This reduction is to support Shropshire Council in meeting its savings targets, which are a result of reduced central government funding and also recognise the additional pressure on adult social care budgets.

"This significant budget cut has meant that several schemes have been deferred until 2019/20, including the resurfacing programme at Waymills.

"However, over recent months the condition of the carriageway at Waymills in particular has significantly deteriorated. While inspections and safety defect repairs have been increased, the need for a permanent repair has become more pressing.

"We are currently reconsidering our options in relation to Waymills in order to programme the most appropriate from of permanent repair and surface improvement this financial year. Increased monitoring and defect repair will continue in the meantime."