Shropshire Star

PICTURES: Sky's the limit for paramotoring photographer

It's a vantage point most amateur photographers would kill for, but a birds-eye view is something one keen snapper gets on a regular basis.


Nick Wall, 28, has combined two of his interests - photography and flying - to produce amazing images around Shropshire.

The Tenbury Wells businessman is a paramotoring enthusiast who takes to the air with little more than a parachute canopy above his head and a motor strapped to his back. And he always remembering to take a camera with him.

He said it was like paragliding, but with extra power. Paragliding involves "free flying" using just the air current but, like hang-gliding, needs a high-up ridge to launch off.

"With paramotoring you can take off from a field with a motor on your back - you can take off from anywhere and you get a lot more hours in the air with a paramotor," he said.

As a day job Nick runs a motorcycle recovery and delivery business, but also sells flying equipment on the side under the name Midland Paramotors.

He said: "I started paramotoring just over four years ago. It started off as a hobby, but now it's turned into a business as well."

He has now combined his passion with another, that for photography.

"I travel around everywhere looking for something new to take pictures of," he said.

"It's not everyone that can get up there and get aerial shots like that.

"I also have a remote-controlled drone for when it's a bit too windy for me"

One of the subjects he used the drone for recently was to take a video of Tenbury Wells bonfire and fireworks from the air, which he said he wouldn't fancy paramotoring over as it would be dangerous.

But he did take to the air to get stunning shots above the clouds when the fog rolled into the low lands around the county in recent months.

Nick went up over the Clee Hill area and captured the sea of fog lapping at the hill tops in a series of striking images.

"Everyone seemed to like those pictures," he said.

"Everywhere I go I take my cameras with me, trying to think of something different to photograph - it's just thinking of things that people are going to like," he added.

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