Shropshire Star

July 9, 2015

Planning notices published in the Shropshire Star and Telford Journal on July 9, 2015.


Telford & Wrekin Council has received the following planning applications (format: Application number - Site location- Proposal):

TWC/2015/0575 & TWC/2015/0576 - 44 Lincoln Hill, Ironbridge, Telford - Erection of a garden room (Full planning application and Listed Building application)

TWC/2015/0581 - Land adjacent 9 Hillside, Lilleshall - Reserved matters application for the erection of 1no. dwelling with associated landscaping and access

TWC/2015/0583 - Land adjacent The Mill House, Rushmoor Lane, Allscott - Erection of 2no. detached dwellings with associated access and landscaping

TWC/2015/0584 - 19 Windsor Road, Arleston - Erection of a two storey side and rear extension

TWC/2015/0587 & TWC/2015/0588 - 54 Wellington Road, Coalbrookdale - Installation of 10no. solar panels to the rear roof (Full Planning application and Listed Building application)

TWC/2015/0589 - Site of Former 31 Wrockwardine - Outline application for the erection of 1no. dwelling and detached garage with all matters reserved

TWC/2015/0590 - Land Adjacent Bleak House, Rowton - Erection of 1no. detached dwelling and detached double garage with associated landscaping and access

TWC/2015/0591 - 129 The Calcutts, Church Road, Jackfield - Felling of 1no Goat Willow tree, 1no. Willow tree, 1no. Ash tree and removal of deadwood to 1no. Ash tree

TWC/2015/0594 - Land Rear of, 71 High Street, Madeley - Felling of Willow, Hazel, Sycamore and Ash trees

TWC/2015/0595 - Marl Court, Dawley Road, Arleston - Erection of 1no. dwelling with associated parking

The above application(s) can be viewed in full on planning online at or Business & Planning First Point, Wellington Civic Offices, Telford, TF2 2FH (sat. nav. TF1 1LX) during office hours 8.30am to 5.15pm Monday to Friday. Written representations need to be made to the above address or on planning online by 28th July 2015.

If a written representation appeal is made to the Secretary of State for a householder or minor commercial application no further representations can be made and existing representations will be forwarded to them. (TWC LP 00697)

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