Striker Terry Gornell still touched by Hillsborough

Liverpool-born Shrewsbury Town frontman Terry Gornell believes the persistence of people in his home city brought about the 'real truth' and exposed the cover-up behind the Hillsborough disaster.


Gornell was born eight months after the tragedy which ripped through the heart of football and saw 96 people killed at the FA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest in April 1989.

And Wednesday's events, which saw the deliberate attempts by the police to hide their failures detailed in a report by The Hillsborough Independent Panel and Prime Minister David Cameron issue a 'profound' apology struck a a poignant chord with Gornell.

"Jon-Paul Gilholley was from the same area as me in Huyton," he said. "My family was close to his and that hit my particular area pretty hard because he was the youngest member of the 96.

"For someone of 10 years of age to go to a football match and not come back was a tragedy.

"What happened on Wednesday was massive.

"It's what the families and relatives who lost loved ones have fought for all these years, even though the apology has come far too late in my eyes.

"It was a big day for the whole of Merseyside when you see over the years how much the whole city has come together because everyone knew the truth.

"The persistence of the people behind the campaign and everyone following has been unbelievable."

"We've known the truth all along and the campaign has meant that every year, more and more people have realised what went on."