Shropshire Star

Yet another holiday for MPs - will we notice?

News from Westminster – Members of Parliament may get an extra week of holiday a year. This means they will spend up to 28 weeks in Parliament, 24 out of it.

MPs in The House of Commons

Even allowing for the work they do in their constituencies and time spent in second or third jobs, that's still a lot of time away from the office.

There, I said that nice and calmly didn't I? I am not hysterical, at all.

One observer reckons some of the cheekiest MPs arrive on Monday and go home again on Wednesday afternoon.

That's kept quiet though, he says, because they know voters would be horrified.

Too right, matey. Horrified but not all that surprised.

I mean you only have to tune into Parliament when it's shown on TV to be depressed at row upon row of empty seats. And that's not occasionally, but most days when the House is supposed to be 'sitting' and not absent.

Those who are there too often become the experts in jeering and baying. We, the hapless viewers, think that it's no wonder there is so much aggravation, screaming, shouting from revellers on the streets after a boozy Friday night when this is the example set.

There are, of course, honourable exceptions. Like former MP Dr Richard Taylor – now 79 – who entered Parliament in 2001 on the back of a campaign to save Kidderminster Hospital.

Some of the more cynical MPs and political commentators thought he would be a five minute wonder. Well, he won Wyre Forest twice until a Tory ousted him.

His passion remains the NHS, he is also co-founder of National Health Action and intends standing for Parliament again in 2015 when he will be 80.

The Richard Taylors of this world, who aim to change things for the better, are golden.

Cocky career politicians, who appear to spend as little time as possible in the place we sent them to represent us and care for our country, who fail dismally but have such lofty opinions of themselves, are found out – however much they might splutter in self-justification.

Another week's holiday? Will we even notice?

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