Shropshire Star

End of an era as historic Shrewsbury shop to close its doors

For more than 100 years shoppers have been able to buy everything from a bucket to a doormat at Shrewsbury hardware shop C.R. Birch and Son.


But that will change at the end of this year when the shop, in Roushill, closes its doors for the final time.

Peter Birch, who runs the business with his mother Margaruite and brother Charlie said they had been debating closing for some time.

He said: "We have been here for sentimental value really for the last five years or so.

"It has taken us a long time for us to come to this decision and it is going to be difficult to tear ourselves away from it.

"But basically we are losing money. The boom in out of town shopping in Shrewsbury and the internet has had a big effect, but also it's tough for people to park here these days."

The shop, which opened in 1909, is famous for the flags and goods that hang from the outside walls.

Mr Birch said: "We are a bit quirky and old fashioned.

"Our customers have said never change – and we have kept the old look to be different from everybody else.

"At the moment we don't have a date, and because we own the building there is no rush, but we are looking at the end of the year.

"It will be with a heavy heart, though, that we close the doors for good." The business was started by Charles Birch, who rented the premises before buying them in 1922.

When Charles died in 1959 his son Gordon took on the running of the shop. And when he died his wife Margaruite and her two sons took over.

As well as selling a wide range of hardware goods and tools the business also delivered fuel and lubricating oil to farmers and central heating oil and paraffin to households across Shropshire.

Part of the old town wall runs right along the back of the shop.

Mr Birch said that when the shop does close the family will be looking to put the building up for sale.

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