Shropshire Star

Bunting goes up for Ludlow in Bloom

The bunting was out as a Shropshire town welcomed the judges of the annual 'In Bloom' flower competition.


The people behind Ludlow's Heart of England In Bloom entry have high hopes of bagging first prize after eight gold awards in recent years.

This year's attempt has involved a host of schoolchildren, church-goers and local organisations coming together to bring colour to the heart of Ludlow.

Judges Roger Bache and Trish Willetts were treated to a tour of the town yesterday and their verdict will be known in September.

This year the town centre has been festooned with bunting, tailor-made by volunteers and schools, on a flower and garden theme.

Vivienne Parry, Shropshire Councillor for Ludlow South, said: "We have 2,000 pieces going up.

"The WI did great big green ones saying Welcome to Ludlow, and every child in St Laurence's Primary School has done one, as well as the other schools.

"We've never done anything like this before - we hope the bunting idea is something no-one else will do. They've really gone to town on it."

Volunteer Lesley Pritchard, 67, said every Ludlow school, two WI groups, two gardening clubs, youth groups and a host of other local organisations had contributed to the effort.

"We've come up with new ideas like putting poems in every pot, and also in Corve Street we have all these vegetables. The Allotment Society have grown veg for us and we've planted them in pots together with flowers.

"We have only won best in show once before - but this effort might just be enough to tip the balance."

Councillor Parry added: "We're after the category prize this year."

Councillor Parry has been involved with Ludlow In Bloom for over a decade, but this year she has taken a bit of a back seat as she recovers from a fractured pelvis sustained when she fell down some steps at a meal to celebrate Councillor Andy Boddington's election earlier this year.

"With me being so ill all these people have taken on all of this work for me," she said.

She said Ludlow Churches Together had shown great support, including volunteers from the Church of St Laurence, Ludlow Methodist Church and Ludlow Baptist Church, as well as young people from the Foyer housing scheme and Ludlow Education Centre.

"Andy Boddington and Richard Huffer came out at 6am to do Corve Street, where there are 25 brand new boxes, all of edible food," she said.

"There is a World War One display in the church porch at St Laurence's, with lots of flowers and sandbags.

"My members have all worked very hard as well."

She said the displays would not just be for the competition as this year they had planted perennials.

"We've been trying to get this for five years," she said, "now there will be something there all year round."

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