Shropshire Star

Letter: Exposing the division and distress caused by the EU

So much has been written about the European Union, and I have done my share, but I would like to respond to recent letters on the subject.


There are certainly differing groups of people, those for the EU who, for example, are riding the "gravy train", and those through their best endeavours are benefitting from, say, trading with the EU, and who can deny them that opportunity.

Then there are those people, perhaps the older generation, who remember when we governed ourselves and dislike the EU telling our duly elected 650 MPs what to do.

Remember, it was these MPs who signed the treaties giving the EU the right to tell us what we can, or cannot do.

There is then another group of people, mainly the young, who do not even know that we once governed ourselves, having only known life under the power of the EU.

Finally, there are those who either do not know, or even care, about this once great country and the way it was run.

The response I would like to make is, firstly to Martin Woodley (Shropshire Star, January 12) obviously a successful businessman and I am sure he has his accounts audited and approved every year. Is he aware that the EU accounts have not been approved for 19 successive years because of the obvious corruption that exists in that failed union?

Anthony Lowe, also on January 12, has forgotten that David Cameron promised an "in/out' referendum on our membership, at the last election, but could not deliver. He was not elected prime minister, but assumed this role after "climbing into bed" with his political enemy Nick Clegg, and look what divisiveness that has caused.

Finally, Roger France, (Shropshire Star, January 13) states that the cost of our membership is half that which it is claimed. That is because the EU has been given permission to take £20 billion per year, and then returns half of it, and then has the cheek to tell us what we can do with it.

Peter Harman, Tibberton

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