Shropshire Star

Letter: Actions of planners are inconsistent on flooding

The people at Shropshire planning must be very educated, but I fear lacking in common sense.


They can pass plans behind closed doors for Roden Grove which is only divided by a hedge from the development site in the adjacent postcode that, when put into the latest insurance computers search for flood liability, shows it is second from highest risk of river flooding and the highest risk of ground water flooding.

They have passed plans to connect to the existing drains that are regularly pumped out by Severn Trent when they block up, use Roden Grove as an access to the site through a 1960s developed estate, where the road is too narrow for two, eight cubic-metre concrete wagons to pass without one reversing or driving on the footpath.

Yet they can fail to pass plans for the Shawbury Road site that has no flooding issues, has access on to a main road, and has a possible direct route to the sewage processing facilities.

They put more importance on character and appearance of the area to fail it, than the suffering and life-changing effects that the Roden Grove development will impose on its residents.

We have contacted David Cameron's office to ask his opinion, as he said when he stood consoling people on the Somerset Levels when flooded, that no future development will take place in areas of flood risk. The Shropshire Conservative planners seem to have ignored their leader's wishes. Was he not truthful, or do the planners not care about peoples' suffering?

We ask for your opinion on this matter, please contact the planners and let them know what you feel about their democratic process.

Mike Sargeant, On behalf of the Roden Grove objectors

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