I've never seen Star Wars
My name is Colin Illingworth, and I've never seen Star Wars.
We take for granted the fact that we've all heard certain songs, read certain books and seen certain films, so it's a shock when you hear someone admit: "I've never seen Star Wars". Here, Shropshire Star sub-editor Colin Illingworth confesses...
"My name's Colin and I am a freak.
I'm 31 years old and I've never had a kebab or a curry, I can't swim, I support Aberdeen FC and I was into my 24th year on this planet before I had my first pizza.
However, apparently my biggest crime to society is the fact that I have never seen Star Wars.
Yes, I'll repeat that, I have never seen Star Wars.
Apparently George Lucas's creation is one of the greatest movies ever made and millions of people around the world are fanatical about it.
But to be honest it just doesn't interest me.
I mean, why would I want to watch a film with a person dressed in black with a deep voice, a creature that jumbles up its words and a beast covered in hair when I can go for a night out in Cannock and see the same characters – and that's just the women.
It's not that I don't like movies or anything like that, it's just that science fiction doesn't really appeal to me. Give me a good horror movie to watch, or ideally a game of football, any day.
And it doesn't help that everyone I meet who is obsessed with Star Wars tends to be, dare I say it with my earlier admissions, somewhat freakish.
However, I'm not going to bash people just for liking a film, in much the same way that I don't expect to be mocked for not having watched it.
I'm sure that Star Wars is a fantastic film, it wouldn't have so many devout followers otherwise, but when something's been hyped so much can it really live up to expectations?
Maybe one day, when I'm absolutely bored out of my skull, I will go to Blockbuster and get Star Wars out, just to see what all the fuss is about.
However, with the new football season just around the corner I know what I'd rather do with my time – much to my wife's annoyance.
Also, if I watch Star Wars I'd then have to catch up on all of the James Bond films and the Godfather trilogy.
Yes, now I can hear you all saying 'What a freak.'"
Are you one of the few people who has never seen Star Wars? Or is there something else that your friends have done that you have never tried? Email your confessions to starfeatures@shropshirestar.co.uk, or enter a comment in the box below