Review: Five Blue Haired Ladies Sitting On A Green Park Bench
Review: One can imagine the pubs were busier than usual last night in Shrewsbury as all the husbands had late passes because their wives were out at Theatre Severn.

Five Blue Haired Ladies Sitting On A Green Park Bench
Theatre Severn
Review: One can imagine the pubs were busier than usual last night in Shrewsbury as all the husbands had late passes because their wives were out at Theatre Severn.
One can imagine the pubs were busier than usual last night in Shrewsbury as all the husbands had late passes because their wives were out at Theatre Severn.
They were there to watch Five Blue Haired Ladies Sitting on a Green Park Bench.
Men in the auditorium were outnumbered three to one as the title had obviously enticed a greater female to male percentage.
The only thing longer than the play's title was the players' wonderfully rich and varied CVs.
There was Anne Charleston, fondly remembered as Madge Bishop from Neighbours; Shirley Anne Field, Anita Harris, Tom Owen – the son of Compo, and how he looked like him; Frazer Hines, Chris Beeny and Lorraine Chase.
There is more to this piece than five old ladies reminiscing. It was a slow burner that took a while to bed in, but the action was beautifully directed and spiced with little moves and gestures that went to creating likeable and foibled characters.
The vignettes between scenes to represent the passage of time were lovely. A large suspension of disbelief was required to make the play work, but the concept was an interesting one.
In short, it was an interesting night of theatre comprising a top class demonstration of actors excelling at their craft.
Owen Lewis