Shropshire Star

Why isn't Coronation Street any good these days?

Poor old Kevin Webster. He just can't help it, but let's face it, he's a prat. No sooner has he spent the night with his ex-wife he thinks they're as good as back together, only to see his hopes dashed as Sally Webster realises he is taking her for granted and returns to her toyboy lover.


Coronation Street


Poor old Kevin Webster. He just can't help it, but let's face it, he's a prat. No sooner has he spent the night with his ex-wife he thinks they're as good as back together, only to see his hopes dashed as Sally Webster realises he is taking her for granted and returns to her toyboy lover.

It's all a load of nonsense of course, but this silly storyline is just the latest in a series of tedious tales dished up by Coronation Street's script writers.

And so it is no wonder people are turning off in their droves; including myself. Like many of the show's viewers I was brought up with The Street and have watched it on and off for years, but last night I tuned in for the first time in ages and wished I hadn't bothered.

Not only is the Sally and Kevin split up storyline still rumbling on, so, incredibly, is the wearying Becky and Steve divorce, as well as the will-they-won't-they plot involving Peter Barlow and Carla. They weren't the only storylines rumbling on last night but they took up a good deal of the pretty uninspiring evening's viewing.

The thing with Sally and Kevin Webster is, haven't we been here before, time and again? For years, they were as solid as a rock. Then it was obviously considered they were getting a bit boring and ever since then there have been what seems like countless affairs followed by the now inevitable reunions.

It is as if Kevin and Sally have replaced Ken and Drear-dre as the Street's serial adulterers. But who really cares whether their marriage survives anymore? Wouldn't it be for the best if they just got divorced?

In this latest storyline Sally finds herself receiving the attention of on-off lover Jeff Cullen as well as Kev. The only highlight came after Kev boasts to his daughter he is getting back with her mother.

Sally is furious, telling him: "You're not that good" before throwing him out of her home and herself back into the arms of Jeff. Not the greatest line ever delivered on the show, but an amusing moment in an otherwise dull double bill of visits to The Street.

What is really missing from Coronation Street these days is the humour – Blanche and her one-liners are greatly missed – and a lot of the ordinariness that used to characterise the show.

Now the increasingly unbelievable storylines such as the unlikely affair between Kevin and Molly that preceded his split with Sally seem to be what the writers aspire to.

That and the dramatic storylines such as the tram crash which, even though rather entertaining, are more suited to EastEnders.

The ridiculous storyline of Fiz being framed for murder following the disappearance of killer John Stape after he fell from a hospital roof was probably what did it for me. That and some bad acting, of course. Many viewers must still be wondering why Dev is still on the show.

By James Wildman

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