Shropshire Star

Kate Rusby : My perfect weekend

National treasure Kate Rusby reveals her recipe for the  perfect weekend

Mum’s the word – singer Kate Rusby is kept busy by her two daughters Daisy and Phoebe

It's Friday afternoon. What's on your mind?

Most likely a gig! We will be sat in our car travelling up, down or across the country, and most probably in a traffic jam too as it's always busier on a Friday. I never mind though as it's my only opportunity to listen to music really these days, so we plug the iPhone in and dance away to our hearts content. It makes my heart a bit sad when we travel about in winter though, we drive past people's houses who have just got back from work on a Friday and they're just settling in and getting their tea, whereas we are just at the start of our day.

Who normally has the pleasure of your company at the weekends?

Usually the boys in the band and the crew. The only other girl on tour with us is Jennifer our tour manager, it's very lovely having another girl on tour so we can natter away and talk about lipstick and things. But if we aren't gigging it will be my gorgeous husband Damien O'Kane, our two daughters Daisy, three, Phoebe,15 months, and our cool dog Doris.

How do you prepare for a night out?

I am usually rushing about sorting the baby-sitter and trying to put my lippy on. I don't get much time to get ready these days since our girls came along; they're usually covered in make-up too!

What's your favourite party outfit?

My black or grey G-Star dress that I have had for years now. They don't take much to throw on and just fit perfect. I do have other dresses and I'll um and ah over them for a bit but more likely than not I will be stepping out in the old faithful.

You've just arrived at the bar, what's your first drink?

A lovely big glass of smooth red wine. I am partial to the odd cocktail now and again but I'm very small so can't drink lots before I fall asleep so at least I know where I am with the wine. It has to be full bodied though and okay, yum! None of this vinegary cheap nonsense, yack!

What is your favourite nightspot and why?

The 3 Acres in Emley West Yorkshire. It's just over the border from us but it's worth the travel. The food has been consistently outstanding for as many years as I can remember. Have the French onion soup if it's on as it's the finest you will ever taste, and follow that with the seafood platter.

It's a sunny Saturday, what are you up to?

If not on tour then down at the local cricket ground, chasing our girls and dodging the cricket ball. My dad used to be the captain many moons ago so myself and my siblings grew up down there too, falling in the river, eating ice pops collecting up the empty glasses for 2p a pot!

What's your most memorable weekend ever and why?

The weekend we got married! We were married in the church next door then had the reception in our garden, all the people that we love the most were there, and our first daughter was one of our bridesmaids, the music was fantastic as was the food, it was just one of those perfect happy moments that you remember forever.

What's your recipe for the perfect night in?

Home cooked dinner of some kind, barbecue would be best. Friends and family round to share it with. Then a few episodes of a box set, like Damages or Greys Anatomy or something. We miss everything as we are away a lot so we have to go down the DVD route which is fab as there are no adverts!

Sunday breakfast: cooked or continental?

Cooked, always cooked. And a full Irish breakfast to be exact. My husband is from Coleraine in Northern Ireland so is a dab hand at the fry!

Sunday lunch: home cooked or down the pub?

At home. We have this brilliant microwave that has an oven in it too and it cooks the perfect crispy skinned, roast chicken in about 35 mins. Oh and the smell of the juices in the pan when it comes out is a thing to behold. We usually gather round it like cave men with chunks of bread dipping it into the juice, just to give it time to rest of course.

Where and how do you like to relax?

At home with good food, good wine and good company. I also absolutely love walking and find it a great way to clear my mind, we have a little black Staffy dog called Doris so we have the perfect excuse to get out every day. I rescued Doris the year before I met my husband. She saved me as much as I her, a perfect match.

You have the whole weekend off and a wad of cash. Where would you head to?

Venice! My husband took me on a surprise trip two years ago and it was so very beautiful and full of things I wanted to see and explore.

Kate Rusby will return to the West Midlands for two gigs as part of her UK tour. She will play at Moseley Folk Festival on September 1 before returning to Shropshire on September 20 at the Theatre Severn.

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