Bridgnorth Cliff Railway off track due to maintenance works
The Cliff Railway in Bridgnorth is to be closed while vital maintenance work is carried out.

The railway will be closed from Monday for at least a week, while the chevron gear within the winding system is replaced.
Dr Malvern Tipping, chairman, said that given the railway makes thousands of journeys each year, its machinery will be subject to wear and tear.
He said: "Shortly before Christmas, the routine replacement of haulage and balance ropes was undertaken as part of this on-going process."
"We have been measuring over the last few years the degree of wear to the chevron gear within the winding system and have decided now is the optimum time to replace it, in order to reduce stress on the system."
The replacement is being organised by railway general manager Chris Preece with assistance from resident engineer Steve Richards.
The replacement chevron gear has been especially manufactured for the railway by BML-Hayley of Telford.
Dr Tipping said: "We will be closed for the week and it is highly likely that work will run into the following week.
"While the railway is closed, we will be taking the opportunity to undertake other engineering and building works. The opportunity will also be taken to fit a new sheave pulley deflector wheel if this can be machined in time."
Dr Tipping added that the railway would resume normal service as soon as they could to minimize the inconvenience to passengers.