Shropshire Star

Abraham Darby technician in 24-hour drumming challenge

It's drumsticks at the ready for Chris Ruston, who is trying to raise thousands of pounds for new instruments for a school.


Mr Ruston, a performing arts technician at Abraham Darby Academy, will take on a 24-hour drum-a-thon, starting at 4pm on Friday.

He is hoping to raise money to provide new percussion equipment and instruments for the Madeley school's musical department.

Rachel Morton, head of music at the school, said: "The pie in the sky figure is £5,000. We've already got £1,000 pledged so if we can get it to £2,000 we will be very pleased. Chris is a former student and played percussion when he was here so he is very passionate about music here.

"He is looking forward to it, he's got a lot of energy drinks lined up.

"I think there will be some very tired hands and feet by the end of it.

"I think the rules of the 24-hour events is that you can have a five-minute break every hour but I think he is planning to save them up and take a longer break every couple of hours."

Mr Ruston will finish his charity challenge during the school's annual A-Fest, a musical festival designed to showcase the talents of some of the school's 11 bands.

From noon to 4pm on Saturday members of the public are welcome to come to the school and see performances by a number of its junior ensembles, who will be supported by Mr Ruston, and the staff band, which will be performing jazz numbers.

Members of the Support Music at Abraham Darby charity will be on hand to collect donations towards the fundraising.

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