A high time in Bridgnorth High Street - pair win prizes for stunning photos
It's a moment of pure joy captured on camera. Bridgnorth High Street is bursting with life as a dancer is thrown into the sky during a carnival under sunny skies.

This stunning picture is one of two honoured in the town as part of the Buy Big in Bridgnorth picture of the year competition.
Chrissy Stone's 'Priceless . . . and smiling', a study of reflected trees and river underneath a peeping yellow sun, was crowned the winner of the 10 shortlisted pictures, and she was awarded the first prize, a £100 Beaman and Son hamper.

The runner-up was Ian Wilkins with his photo 'High Jump in High Town'. Mr Wilkins' prize was a meal for two with bubbly at The George. The competition was organised by Buy Big in Bridgnorth founder Sarah Stevens, who aims to celebrate the town and its businesses.
Competitors were busy snapping away and originally the competition had 81 entries, which were whittled down to a top 10 by judges including Terry Hawkins from Bridgnorth Camera Club and the sponsors.
Mr Hawkins said the finalists' photos were so good he wanted to encourage them all to join the camera club.
The public voted for the winner and runner up out of the finalists.

Photographs shortlisted included a swarm of starlings over rooftops, Daniels Mill through the viaduct, a sunrise on a misty morning, lights reflected on the river, rolling clouds, musicians and steam engines, a warm town on a cold night and a close up of a rugby squeeze.
Mrs Stevens said: "The drive behind the competition was to focus on what makes Bridgnorth special to each of us."
The next Buy Big in Bridgnorth competition will be a children's Halloween-themed design competition.
Children are asked to design a new Buy Big in Bridgnorth Halloween mascot from an outlined template.
The winner of the under six age category will receive a £50 toy hamper from Little Monkeys, and the winner of the six to 11 age category will win
Download an outline from the link: buybiginbridgnorth.co.uk/BBIB_Halloween_competition.pdf or collect a copy from Graze or Little Monkeys.
The closing date is October 28 and the winners will be announced on Halloween.