Shropshire Star

Sons of Pitches, Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury - review

Having found fame on Gareth Malone's Naked Choir in 2015, Sons of Pitches have developed into a fully fledged entertainment package and their performance at Shrewsbury's Theatre Severn was a polished evening of fun.

Sons of Pitches

Much more than the stunning a capella vocals that were anticipated, the boys put on a show that was thematic and full of comedy.

Based around the nostalgia of television it incorporated TV programmes and theme tunes.

Audience participation produced some of the evenings stand out moments in comic sketches 'Count Up' and 'Blind Mate'.

Special mention should go to Joe B who, in very strong company, stood out for his audience rapour.

We also really enjoyed a section where they made up a song on the spot from a word shouted out by the audience in the Countdown section, to music also selected by the audience.

The word was jumpier and they came up with a reggae song about kangaroos.

The exquisite vocals left it hard to believe that the boys weren't sometimes singing to a backing track, but all music was produced from harmonies and beat boxing alone.

In the Bake Off section, the beat boxer made all the sounds of making a cheesecake.

The show gave each member their moment to shine.

They have talent in spades and used moments in the evening to showcase original songs from their album 'Don't Fret'.

Supporting the band on Friday was the Shropshire Rock Choir, who performed at the start of the night with popular hits sung well.

Genuinely, it was one of the best shows I have ever seen, and it was a shame that the auditorium was not more full