Shropshire Star

Details out of event that will replace Welshpool Air Show

Details of the event that will replace a shelved air show have been released.

Breitling wing-walkers in action at Welshpool Air Show

Earlier in 2017, the Welshpool Air Show, which has run for several years, was stopped amidst rising costs and poor recent turnout due to bad weather.

In light of the decision the town council has moved to replace the event and announced it will be holding 'Welshpool Festival of Transport' in its place.

The festival will take place on June 23 and 24, 2018, and will celebrate all forms of transport from boats to balloons, horses to iron horses, and a wide range of classic vehicles.

Entry to the event will be free of charge.

Highlights will include displays of vehicles, a cavalcade through the town and exhibitions in the town hall.

There will also be a volunteer-operated heritage steam railway, the Welshpool and Llanfair Light Railway, running from the top of the town, while at the other end is an even older form of transport in the Montgomery Canal.

The council is keen for as many transport enthusiasts as possible to play their part in the festival – and people with vehicles or exhibits they would like to be considered to take part, should call Mike Kilvert on 01686 610089.

Alternatively for more information people can contact Rosemary at Welshpool Town Council on 01938 553142 or e-mail