Shropshire Star

Telford nature reserve features on BBC's Countryfile

A Telford nature reserve will feature on the BBC this weekend after volunteers welcomed the Countryfile crew to show off their hard work.

Last updated
Filming at the nature reserve. Photo: Tina Corfield Photography.

The friends and junior friends of Dothill Local Nature Reserve, along with representatives of their partners in local government and ecology, hosted presenter Matt Baker and the TV crew.

Junior friends showed off their homes for bugs and beasties, while the adults presented a purpose-built bird home.

Bob Coalbran, from the Friends of Dothill nature reserve, said: “None of these visitors to the site would be there if the water was polluted. The Love Your Rivers volunteers showed how they, with the help of the Environment Agency, had identified water pollution on site. These results had demonstrated the need to find misconnections of drains from houses and businesses, which the Environment Agency investigate.

“A project to restore wetland habitat, which provides the added benefits of natural water filtration and some flood relief, was underway at the time of recording. The groundwork for this, undertaken by Telford and Wrekin Council and the Shropshire Wildlife Trust, is now complete.”

The programme will be shown on BBC One at 6.30pm on Sunday.