Shropshire Star

Local wrestlers score future title slots at Midlands event - review

It was a good night for local pro-wrestlers at Coventry’s Empire Nightclub as Birmingham’s Man Like DeReiss and Lichfield’s Chantal Jordan both secured future title shots at Kamikaze Pro-Wrestling’s Bank on It 7.

Kamikaze Pro-Wrestling’s Bank on It 7

Inspired by WWE’s Money in the Bank, the event sees pro-wrestlers compete in special ladder matches, with the winner being the first competitor to retrieve the briefcase with the contract for a title match.

In a wild main event that saw all six participants brawl across the Empire Night Club, DeReiss would manage to prevent former champion Clint Margera from earning a quick return match for the title he lost back in June.

Margera had thrown chalk in the face of Birmingham’s Dan Moloney to gain the advantage, but as he was poised to claim the briefcase, DeReiss hit him with a drop-kick off the top-rope and then a steel chair, to knock him down.

Chantal Jordan’s route to becoming number one contender in the promotion’s women’s division was less complicated but more spectacular. At the end of the match, the women were trying to one-up each other with dives to the outside.

But it would be the 16 year old that would climb the ladder in ring, and then deliver a cannonball onto the pro-wrestlers outside. The sharp fall seemed to wind Jordan, but she was able to get up and claim the briefcase.

She would be confronted by women’s champion Chakara, who despite having lost to Jordan in Birmingham back in April, claimed that she had nothing to fear from her young opponent.

Elsewhere on an enjoyable card, Birmingham’s Chief Deputy Dunne was unsuccessful in his attempt to wrest the Relentless Title from Elliot Jordan.

At several points Dunne seemed to be building momentum, only for Jordan to conspire with his ally Luke Douglas to regain the advantage. Dunne’s tag team partner, Santos, would eventually try to even the odds, but ironically his intervention distracted the referee, and allowed the champion to hit a low-blow.

The post-match bickering between the two teams, may hint at Jordan and Douglas challenging the Anti-Fun Police for their Kamikaze Pro Tag Team Titles.

Santos was in singles action himself, with him having a hilarious match against Sugar Dunkerton, with the charismatic American frequently goading Santos into dancing rather than wrestling.

Wolverhampton resident Sean Kustom would successfully defend his Kamikaze Pro Title in a physical match against Canada’s Mike Bailey, hitting an excellent brain buster off the top rope to set-up the frog splash finish.

Kamikaze Pro-Wrestling’s Bank on It 7 will shortly be available to purchase on Video on Demand. Kamikaze Pro-Wrestling’s next events are on October 13 in Bournville, Birmingham and October 27 in Coventry.

For more information visit

Review by Will Cooling