Shropshire Star

Revolution Pro-Wrestling’s Live at the Cockpit 47, London - review with pictures

The Cockpit Theatre in London was taken over by West Midlands pro-wrestlers as local performers shone in two showcase matches.

Live at The Cockpit. Pictures by: Jennifer Hamilton

The penultimate fight of Revolution Pro-Wrestling’s Live at the Cockpit 47 saw two graduates of the Fight Club: PRO dojo square off, with Birmingham natives Dan Moloney and Omari squaring off in London.

Moloney has had a sensational 2019, and it’s clear that his self-confidence has never been higher. It’s the little things, such as him posing and playacting with a child spectator during his entrance, that highlight how at ease he now is in the ring.

Omari meanwhile has had something of a rebuilding year after a difficult end to 2018, but his momentum is building again, with this his Revolution Pro-Wrestling debut coming a couple of months after he debuted in Ireland’s OTT promotion. He got a nice reaction when coming out.

Live at The Cockpit. Pictures by: Jennifer Hamilton

Their match belied the short run-time, with them packing plenty of action into less than eight minutes. A signature spot in Moloney’s matches since he fought Will Ospreay has been him walking through the strikes of his opponents.

He not only did that, but Omari mimicked it too. These palm strikes were brutal, with both men laying them in thick.

One of the most striking things about this match was how Omari moves around the ring like a man half his size, with him launching himself of the top ropes on several occasions.

Live at The Cockpit. Pictures by: Jennifer Hamilton

Moloney would ultimately win with his Drilla Killa, but Omari put in a strong performance that should hopefully earn him repeat bookings with Revolution Pro-Wrestling.

With the recent injury to his tag team partner Mark Davis, Kyle Fletcher is having to focus on singles competition. Against his fellow Wolverhampton resident Carlos Romo, he had an excellent match.

The Cockpit is a very small venue, with very limited space to brawl around the thing, but that didn’t stop both men throw themselves around.

Live at The Cockpit. Pictures by: Jennifer Hamilton

At one point, Fletcher shouted for fans to vacate their seats so he could cannonball from the top of the stairs onto Romo.

Fletcher took the majority of a very physical match, but Romo’s repeated kick-outs teased that the Spaniard may hold out for the time-limit draw.

But less than two minutes left on the clock, Fletcher hit a cradle tombstone to finally end the match.

Live at The Cockpit. Pictures by: Jennifer Hamilton

Revolution Pro-Wrestling Live at the Cockpit 47 will shortly be available on Video on Demand at RPW on Demand. For more information on that or future live events visit

Review by Will Cooling

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