Shropshire Star

Cosford Military Wives Choir makes a return

Cosford Military Wives Choir has made a triumphant return to singing.

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Cosford Choir

The choir, based at the Chaplaincy Center at RAF Cosford, held its first public appearance for since the initial Covid-19 lockdown last Saturday evening at The Holiday Inn in Coventry, supporting the 2019 Britain's Got Talent winner Colin Thackery.

Kellie Brown of the choir said: "We had a the pleasure of singing alongside Colin for his show winning numbers Wind Beneath my Wings, Love Changes Everything and the well known We'll Meet Again, as well as performing three of our own songs.

"The event was a huge success and the feedback from the audience included kind words of admiration and lots of mentions of future bookings.

"So we would like to let those ladies in our area know that we are very much back and open for any females with a military connection to come along and join us."

"The choir meets every Tuesday evening between 7pm and 9.30pm and our rehearsals always include a cuppa, laughter, friendship and cake as well as lots of song."

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