Shropshire Star

The Big Debate: Which is the best chocolate treat ever?

It was World Chocolate Day on Sunday- but which confectionary craving is at the top of your list? Our writers hash it out of which chocolate treat deserves the top spot.

Mix of chocolate on table, close-up

Heather Large: Ferrero Rocher ultimate treat

World Chocolate Day takes place on July 7 every year.

Devoted to all things chocolate, it’s believed to mark the day when our favourite sweet treat was first introduced to Europe in the year 1550.

But not all chocolate tastes the same and not all bars are considered equal.

When it comes to satisfying a craving, my favourites have changed as I’ve got older.

When I was younger I loved a Mars bar or a Boost but now I find a full-size helping far too sweet.

The mini Mars that can be found in a tub of Celebrations are more than enough nougat and caramel for me.

I also loved Yorkie – and still do – although I wasn’t a fan of their It’s Not For Girls advertisement campaign.

In a way it was marketing genius, because their sales probably went through the roof as more girls and women wanted to buy them as an act of defiance.

Nowadays, the combination of fruit or nuts and chocolate is always a winner for me.

I love a Terry’s Chocolate Orange – Christmas just isn’t Christmas without one.

Lindt also make a Lindor Orange bar that’s irresistible.

But for me Ferrero Rocher always feel like the ultimate treat. The combination of creamy chocolate and hazelnut is simply delicious.

Vicki Jones: Curly Wurly all the way

Ah chocolate! Chocolate should be celebrated every day, not just July 7! From Easter eggs, to selection boxes at Christmas, to the Sunday sweets we used to get after church every week as kids, chocolate is always a welcome treat.

My personal favourite is a Curly Wurly. I think I have convinced myself that they aren’t quite as naughty cos they have holes in them!

And I love a Crunchy bar, the perfect mix of milk chocolate and honeycomb, and not quite as rich as a solid bar of chocolate.

Recent research commissioned by Betway discovered that we are definitely a nation of chocolate lovers. The study looked at the number of positive online posts referencing specific brands. Kit Kat came out as the most popular with over 500,000 mentions in one month! It was closely followed by Mars, Aero and Double Decker.

And Heather is right, the ad men and women have a lot to answer for where chocolate is concerned. I’m pretty sure most people will know at least one ad theme tune or catchphrase.

The ones that stick in my mind are the Cadbury Caramel Bunny who was ‘taking it really easy’ and the drum-playing gorilla promoting the brand’s Dairy Milk bar.

While obviously chocolate is a treat that we should enjoy in moderation, I’ll go with the saying a little of what you fancy does you good and after a stressful day you just can’t beat an indulgent bar of chocolate.

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