Shropshire Star

Restored Shropshire railway station celebrates 150 years - with video and pictures

An idyllic rural railway station first opened in 1868 has been celebrating its 150th birthday.

Station master Steve Downs with a friend from 1910

Volunteers at Eardington Railway Station opened up the premises for a special anniversary celebration on Saturday.

During its working life the station, which is on the Severn Valley Line, was mainly for goods traffic traffic such as iron, sand, or cattle.

It closed in 1963 but was reopened 1970 as part of the Severn Valley Railway, remaining on the timetable until 1982.

The remote station has been lovingly preserved by the Friends of Eardington Station, who meet every Thursday to work on the site and keep it in tip-top shape.

Visitors to Saturday's celebrations were able to view the station as it would have appeared back in 1910, complete with signs, clocks, posters, furniture, and the feel of the historic railway.

Joined by a selection of classic cars visitors were able to relax and watch as the Severn Valley Railway's current stock chuffed past with a wave from the passing conductor.

Station Master Steve Downs said they were delighted to welcome people to the event, which has been added to the two gala events on the calendar.

Mr Downs also spoke of the part the station had played in the community throughout its history, and his hopes that it can be added back on to the Severn Valley Railway timetable for special events in the future.

Eardington Railway Station is celebrating its 150th anniversary

He said: "It was part of the community. There is a fellow who lives down the lane who remembers loading agricultural produce on to trains here so it was part of the community. The train drivers knew the people, there was one lady who was always late for the train so they actually used to wait for her.

"It is a totally different feel to a big city station."

He added: "It is nice to show it off and one of the things we try to do here is actually educate and inform people about what the station did and why it was here, so it is not just the physical artefacts, it is the story behind it, the personalities involved. The station had a life, it was not just a building."

Anne Downs and Dave Smith

Part of the recent restoration work has seen £32,000 spent on restoring brickwork on the platform, with another £12,000 to be spent on new slabs for the top of the platform.

Mr Downs added: "What we would like is for the station to be open for special occasions.

"The fact it closed was because there was not enough demand but on a gala occasion or a special occasion we would like to see some trains stop."