Preparations under way for Shifnal Carnival's 50th anniversary
Preparations are well under way for a town carnival's 50th anniversary.
Everyone is invited to come and enjoy a commemorative golden year firework display at Shifnal Carnival, along with the street parades and processions that date back to 1968.
Taking place on June 30, all the floats will be assembling at Admirals Farm at 1.15pm, before starting the procession from Bradford Street to Wheatfield Park at 2.45pm.
The organised firework display will take place after the procession, starting at 9.30pm.
The village hall car park will be closed to the public between 9am and 5pm.
Car parking will be available in Wheatfield Drive until 8pm.
The roads along the route of the carnival will be closed to traffic as the procession takes place and reopened as soon as possible.
All funds raised will be distributed to local charities and worthy causes, decided by the committee in October.
Sarah Richards, carnival chairman, said: "This year is our 50th year celebration after having been re-started by Gerald Nickless and friends, and thanks to their foresight and commitment we still have this fantastic carnival in Shifnal.
"We are always extremely proud of our Carnival Royalty. This year the Carnival King and Queen are Les Cherrington and Jasmine Reynolds, and the Prince and Princess re Zachary Whale and Summer Miles."
The Carnival Royalty will switch on the lights at the Christmas lights switch on event in November.
"Les has been our Carnival King for many years and will be turning 100 years old in October," she added.
"He has supported the carnival in many ways since 1968 and we have been very proud of this association.
"Sadly this year will be the last year that Gerald Nickless will be involved with the organisation of the Carnival, and his energy and commitment over the years has been amazing"
Gerald Nickless, the president of Shifnal Carnival committee, said: "As a child I had always enjoyed the carnival and Old Club Day Street Fair, but eventually the carnival lapsed and we just the fair until a group of members of St Andrew's Youth Club decided to revive it.
"Over the years I have received help and support from many people. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the committee, working with many enthusiastic members including the present committee who are working hard to ensure that the carnival continues into the future.
"I hope that our community will continue to support Shifnal Carnival and the Old Club Day Street Fair."