Shropshire Star

Bird droppings could land you a free return ticket to Warwick Castle in new scheme

Visitors to Warwick Castle can now relax under a bizarre new return trip guarantee.

The Falconer's Quest at Warwick Castle

If those visiting the attraction are defecated on by one of the birds of prey during the Castle’s new show, The Falconer’s Quest. Following a customer complaint that they’d got a little too ‘lucky’ whilst watching the attraction's new show, The Falconer's Quest, Warwick Castle is now offering a return trip free of charge for anyone who is defecated on by one of the birds.

Chief falconer Chris O'Donnell said: “With talons and feathers flying directly above the heads of the crowd, the chance of visitors being decorated with a special souvenir from the birds is small but not impossible.

“It might be thought lucky to have bird poo land on you, but for most of our guests, it’s not a pleasant thought – especially if it belongs to a giant such as the Andean Condor! The new return visit offer allows guests to watch the show without worrying that an unexpected drop from the sky may ruin their day.”

The biggest birds of prey show in the UK, The Falconer’s Quest features more than 70 birds taking to the skies directly above an awed crowd in a live-action show performed twice daily.

The feathered cast ranges from red kites and bearded vultures to the Andean condor, one of the largest birds in the world with a 10ft wing-span.

For more information and to buy tickets, click here.