Steam spectacular at Blists Hill
Visitors to a heritage attraction were in for a treat when steam power took over at the weekend.

Blists Hill Victorian Town near Ironbridge sawwere in for a treat when steam power took over the heritage attraction.Weekend visitors got the chance to see working machines and engines show in full steam to learn how the Victorians harnessed the power to progress the industrial era.
The collection includes the town’s replica of Trevithick’s 1802 Coalbrookdale locomotive – the original is believed to be the world’s first steam locomotive and Billy a 1903 Wallis & Steevens road roller. There was also as well as a variety of special guest machines including rare ploughing engines.
Organisers of the event said that it had proved as popular as ever. Rory Hunter, Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust director of commercial, said he was delighted with the number of people that it had pulled into the venue.
“This year’s Steam Weekend proved as popular as ever with a great turn out of enthusiasts,” he said.
“All ages enjoyed getting up close and personal with the working engines including both our own ‘resident’ machines and those brought in especially for the event.”
Trevor Ives displayed his pride and joy an half-size Burrell while Chris Beale was pictured with a 1916 Fowler ploughing engine.
It is the latest event to come to Blists Hill over the summer months.
The popular museum hosted its latest Steampunk Weekend earlier in the year, again bringing in thousands of people to the borough.
People travelled from across the country dressed in their finest costumes to take part in a host of events.
Families will be able to take part in candle-dipping and other craft activities as part of this weekend’s bank holiday fune August bank holiday weekend.