Shropshire Star

Race against time for heritage trust to save rail line

The receiver involved in the Llangollen Heritage Railway has put the operating and engineering assets of the public limited company up for the sale, sparking a race against time for the trust to fundraise to make bids.

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The Llangollen Railway

Potential buyers have until Monday to put offers in.

Llangollen Railway Plc – the operating arm of the railway – went into receivership owing £350,000 earlier this month.

Lambert Smith Hampton was appointed as the receiver and the specialist company acted quickly to offer the assets for sale.

Llangollen Railway.

It also says there is the chance to acquire the business potential of the popular tourist attraction.

Full details of what is for sale will only be revealed to those expressing an interest in buying but a flyer produced by the receiver shows carriages and vehicles such as fork lift trucks and large construction vehicles including a digger and a crane.

After the Plc called in the receiver, the Llangollen Railway Trust appealed to the public to help raise funds to save the railway and is looking for individuals or groups to buy assets for the benefit of the railway. It has stressed that the trust remains fully solvent and debt-free.

New chairman Pete Edwards said: “The first task is to preserve the line and then to bid for such assets of the Plc as limited resources will permit.

The Llangollen Railway

"Directors and key volunteers are compiling a list of assets they consider essential for the continued running of the railway.”

People can donate via and click the Donate button, or via the railway’s Facebook page.

For taxpayers, the railway can apply for 25 per cent Gift Aid. Alternatively, supporters are invited to send cheques payable to Llangollen Railway Trust Ltd to The Station, Abbey Road, Llangollen LL20 8SN.

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