Shropshire Star

Litter pickers pleased as Ludlow beauty spot ‘not too bad’

Visitors to a Ludlow beauty spot have been praised for not dropping too much litter for volunteers to pick up.

Pictured at the litter pick are Sarah Gurr Gearing, Trice Astill, Kate Adams, Richard Olsen and Diane Lyle

The Friends of Gallows Bank returned to base with bags bulging, but not overflowing, during a litter pick that was completed in just one hour on Sunday.

Di Lyle, secretary of the Friends of Gallows Bank, said the band of five volunteers returned to the Rockspring Centre car park with "bags bulging, but not overflowing, with rubbish", which she said was a positive.

"While I never like to see volunteers’ time under-used, the fact that the bags were not overflowing shows that the users of Gallows Bank are caring of that space and the bank was cleared of litter in just an hour. And the team was still smiling when they left!"

The Friends of Gallows Bank arrived with sturdy boots and gloves – and waterproofs, just in case with this uncertain and unseasonal weather – to comb the Bank for litter.

Di has worked with the Friends’ chairman, Dave Davies, to involve the members in various projects, and the litter pick was the second opportunity for volunteer involvement this year.

"The weather was kind, although the recent persistent rain made conditions underfoot muddy and slippery on some of the steeper downhill slopes and the litter pickers were serenaded on their quest with birdsong," she said.

There will be other opportunities for the Friends to get involved with projects on Gallows Bank during the year.

To find out more, call Di Lyle on 07786 620 624 or email