Debate: Defending working class rights to the Shropshire countryside
A recent article about city-dwellers encroaching on a quaint town on the border of Staffordshire would have upset a lot of people.
On Monday, Mike Lockley reflected on the "bikers, bull-terrier owners, barbecue kit carriers and bloggers" causing havoc in the quaint chocolate-box town of Badger.
Tattoos, piercings and hand-rolled cigarettes were not safe from Mike's wrath, who criticised inconsiderate parking, litter bugs and some errant children using the manicured hedges as toilets.
Well, I hate to break it to you, but we the working classes, enjoy nature too.
I'm pleased that those in Badger have been able to pull themselves so far up by their bootstraps that they've been able to purchase themselves a slice of rural paradise.
Those surrounded by concrete have clearly not worked hard enough to deserve a garden and having become so used to our natureless streets, we have no need for trees and grass and waterfalls.
The argument that nature should only be enjoyed by those already wealthy enough to live in it is one that goes back well over 100 years.