Shropshire Star

Memorial tractor run raises more than £1,500 near Bridgnorth

A heart-warming tractor run set up by the family of a man that died of cancer raised more than £1,500.

Andy Davies, John Farquharson, Jack Houghton and Chris Wilkes.

A line of more than 50 vintage tractors could be seen over 23 miles of country lanes near Bridgnorth during the event, which started from Newin House Farm in Claverley.

Set up in memory of husband and father Richard Wilkes, who died of prostate cancer in June 2018, all proceeds from the event went to Prostate Cancer UK.

Organised by Richard's wife Julie, sons Chris and Tim and friends Ian Farquharson and Phil Orpe, this is the second time the run has taken place.

Julie said an atmospheric event was topped off by perfect weather.

"Everybody in attendance knew what happened on this farm a year or so ago, so wanted to give their support," she said.

Crowds of people turned out to take part in the run

"Weather wise it was absolutely gorgeous – it really was a lovely day with a really happy atmosphere.

"We went 23 miles as a line of 50 tractors, it was quite the sight and we could see members of the public stopping to look with a smile."

She added: "This event was organised because unfortunately my husband lost his life to prostate cancer last June.

"So we decided to do it for the charity we are in efforts to bring more awareness and help raise money for research so in the future less men will suffer with what my husband had to go through.

"I've got two sons and I'm hoping by the time they're in their 50s, it's something of the past.

"This took place last year and after an event this year where everyone enjoyed themselves and raised a lot of money for a good cause, hopefully it'll happen again in 2020."