Bridgnorth's annual Ghost Walk makes its spooky big screen debut

Bridgnorth's annual Ghost Walk will make its spooky return this year as a film.

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The Doctor, played by Adam Green

Due to Covid-19, the event cannot take place, so organisers at the Theatre on the Steps have taken it to the big screen.

The storyline takes viewers on an eerie midnight tour of the town as they try to escape from the ghostly apparitions that strike terror on every street corner.

All the characters are derived from true events recorded in the town’s historical records and include tales of grisly murders and tragic accidents, all of which have left tormented souls searching for peace and a final resting place.

The film was recorded over several nights in September, with footage inside some of the locations that would not be possible on the Ghost Walk

The film was recorded over several nights in September, with footage inside some of the locations that would not be possible on the Ghost Walk.

Ten of the best known ghosts of Bridgnorth are featured, including the story of William and Charlotte, which is recorded in almost all the books featuring the world’s most famous ghost stories.

Two stories, never before told, bring the film to a heart-rending climax. One of which features the tall Doctor, wearing a long black coat, carrying a doctor's bag, often being reported as walking down Stoneway Steps and standing outside what are the now the doors to the Theatre on The Steps.

The film was recorded over several nights in September, with footage inside some of the locations that would not be possible on the Ghost Walk

Iain Reddihough, artistic director of Theatre on the Steps, said: “The Ghost Walk is a very popular event at the theatre and we are extremely disappointed that it can’t go ahead this year as a live event, but are extremely excited about the movie.

"It has given us the opportunity to dramatise the scenes in a way that is not possible as live performances, and to add in the two dramatic stories of the two ghosts often seen at the theatre.

"Our thanks go to the residents of Bridgnorth, to Bridgnorth Town Council and the Marches Enterprise fund, which made a contribution to the cost of making the movie.

The film was recorded over several nights in September, with footage inside some of the locations that would not be possible on the Ghost Walk

"We have been unable to have performances at the theatre since March, so it is a pleasure for us to be able to perform and to put our work in front of an audience.”

The movie has been produced by film production company Vision in Colour and is due for general release from October 19. It will also be available to download on Amazon Prime, as well as on DVD and Blueray from the theatre's website.

Ghost Walk the movie is £12 and can be ordered at

The film is also being made into an app later this year and visitors will be able to download it and follow the tour around the town, watching the ghosts at each of the locations.

The film was recorded over several nights in September, with footage inside some of the locations that would not be possible on the Ghost Walk