Shropshire Star

Cocktail bar plans approved for Telford Town Centre

Telford Town Centre is about to get a new cocktail bar after the council approved a change of use plan.

Plans have been approved for a new cocktail bar in Telford Town Centre

Billy The Bums food and cocktail bar is set to move into the vacant Unit 5 of the Southwater development – opposite Wilko and the Brown Elm car park.

Telford & Wrekin Council have approved the change of use plans for the empty unit from a ‘food and beverage unit’ into a ‘drinking establishment’.

In a design and access statement, Knight Frank, representing the applicant, said that the principal of a drinking establishment/bar ‘should be considered acceptable’ in the area.

“Overall, the proposed development would make a positive contribution to footfall and levels of activity throughout the day (particularly given that the unit is vacant); would complement surrounding leisure uses in the Southern Quarter; and enhance the vitality and vibrancy of Telford Town Centre,” the design statement said.

“The proposed development is not considered to give rise to any severe or unreasonable impact on amenity and the impacts are considered acceptable within the context of the site and the Southern Quarter.

“In summary, the proposed development seeks to bring a vacant, town centre unit back into a viable use. On this basis, we consider the principle of a drinking establishment to be acceptable.”

It is expected that an equivalent number of jobs will be created as when the building was used as a food and beverage unit.

The application received no objections and has been approved by Telford & Wrekin Council.

Billy The Bums has permission to open between 11am and 11pm between Monday to Saturday and between 11am and 10pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays.

The council’s planning officer concluded: “The provision of a drinking establishment is considered to be of significant benefit to Telford Town Centre, boosting the local economy and complimenting the range of evening and night-time uses already present within Southwater.

“Given the location of the site and the opening hours proposed, officers do not consider the proposed change of use will result in any significantly detrimental harm upon the amenity of nearby land users.”