Shropshire Star

National Biscuit Day: A celebration of the Shrewsbury biscuit

Scotland can keep their shortbread and Devon their clotted cream - for we have the Shrewsbury biscuit.

Scotland can keep their shortbread, Devon their clotted cream, for we have the Shrewsbury biscuit

Today is National Biscuit Day, and to mark the occasion I had a look into the history of the county town's eponymous snack.

The Shrewsbury biscuit is thought to have developed from an original recipe for 'Shrewsbury cakes'.


Although very different from the biscuit recipes around today, historians say the first mention of the local delicacy dates back to 1602.

In 1658, a recipe for Shrewsbury cakes appears in 'The Compleat Cook', part of 'The Queens Closet Opened' by William Montague.

The book's recipes originated in the kitchen of Henrietta Maria, the wife of King Charles I.